The CFMTC is a member of the ETCMA (European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association).
ETCMA is a European association of professional TCM organisations.
The CFMTC represents France within the ETCMA.
Here are all the organisations linked to the CFMTC:
The CFMTC is a member of the ETCMA (European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association).
ETCMA is a European association of professional TCM organisations.
The CFMTC represents France within the ETCMA.
The FNMTC is a member of the CFMTC
Name: FNMTC (Fédération Nationale de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise).
Date of creation: 14 August 1996.
Form: association under the law of 1901, created in August 1996. Head office: Nice
Address: 7, rue Louis Prével - 06000 NICE
Telephone number: +33 (0)950 304 870
The SIATTEC is a member of the CFMTC.
Name: SIATTEC (independent union of acupuncturists and Chinese energy therapists).
Form: association under the law of 1901. Declaration receipt no. 31, registered at Bollène town hall (Vaucluse), created in 1988.
Audited by a chartered accountant from Avignon.
Tel: 04 90 03 72 50
The UPMTC is a member of the CFMTC.
Name: UFPMTC (Union Française des Professionnels de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise).
Form: Association under the law of 1901. Created on 17th July 1997. Head office in Grenoble. Audited by a chartered accountancy firm based in Paris.
Tel: 06 19 95 26 75 - 09 52 93 82 36
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