Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on constantly evolving knowledge and practices, accumulated and tested over more than twenty centuries. Today, this medicine addresses the health problems of populations in every country on earth.
Like all traditional medicines, or ethnomedicines, TCM is concerned in its own way with health and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.
To achieve this, it relies on specific practices, approaches, knowledge and concepts of health; it uses, with respect for life and the environment, remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, psychic therapies, manual techniques and exercises administered singly or in combination.
About TCM
Definition of TCM
Definition of "TCM practitioner"
The TCM practitioner is a first-line practitioner. The profession is not yet regulated.
He/she makes a diagnosis specific to TCM and applies a treatment using one or more of the therapeutics specific to this medicine, such as :
Interventions from the body's surface: Acupuncture and moxibustion (Zhen Jiu), Cupping (Huo Guan), Electro-stimulation (Dian Zhen), Massage (Tui Na, An Mo), Mobilizations (Gu Shang), Plasters (Gao);
- Health exercises (Qi Gong, Tai Ji Quan);
- Internal prescription of substances: Chinese pharmacopoeia (Zhong Yao), dietetics (Shi Liao) - Psychosomatic interventions (Xin Li);
- Home and environmental medicine (Feng Shui);
- Health advice (Yang Sheng).
Status of the TCM practitioner
The terms used by the CFMTC are : Practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
To be approved as a practitioner by the CFMTC, you must :
- hold a diploma or level of training in TCM approved by the CFMTC;
- Be legally registered and in good socio-professional standing with regard to your practice;
- Have adhered to the CFMTC code of ethics.
URSSAF designation : Practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine
On nameplate or business card :
M. X...
Practitioner in TCM
Professional standards for TCM practitioners
We are delighted to announce the publication of the Quality Manual on our website.
You can download it here.
We hope you enjoy reading it.
What name should I use?
The first step is to contact URSSAF, which will send you a CERFA document for your registration.