Bannière CFMTC

Bannière CFMTC

The UPMTC is a member of the CFMTC.

Name: UFPMTC (Union Française des Professionnels de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise).

Form: Association under the law of 1901. Created on 17th July 1997. Head office in Grenoble. Audited by a chartered accountancy firm based in Paris.

Tel: 06 19 95 26 75 - 09 52 93 82 36


President: Joëlle Vassail

Vice-Chairmen : Jean-Pierre Croutaz, Josette Chapellet

Secretary: Christine Ravier
Treasurer: Jean-Marc Triboulet

General meeting once a year or extraordinary meeting if necessary (on request).

Role of the UFPMTC

Created in 1997, the Union Française des Professionnels de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise (UFPMTC) brings together the various players involved in Chinese medicine in France: practitioners, teachers, students, health care users, suppliers, NGOs, etc., under a single umbrella organisation.
In order to give this age-old medicine its rightful place in France and Europe today, the UFPMTC has set itself the following missions:

  • To create a meeting place where the interests, ideas and actions of all those involved in TCM in France, including patients, can converge.
  • Meet the public's need for information about Traditional Chinese Medicine: its study, practice, field of action, therapeutic methods, practitioners, products, etc.
  • Working with the public authorities to ensure that the profession of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner is recognised and regulated.
  • To collaborate with professional associations and groups pursuing similar objectives, in order to achieve synergy of action.

The UFPMTC's honorary presidents are the prestigious representatives of this medicine: Mr BAI Yongpo (in China), Mr LU Zhizheng (in China), Mr François MARQUER (deceased) and Mrs MA Fan (in France).

Colleges belonging to the UFPMTC

  • Practitioners of Chinese medicine.
  • Users of Chinese medicine.
  • Students of Chinese medicine.
  • Heads of Chinese medicine schools.
  • Teachers and authors of Chinese medicine.
  • Suppliers of Chinese medicine.
  • Humanitarian NGOs.

You can access the UFPMTC's regular publications here.


Next CFMTC Congress in :

Aix-en-Provence Congresses Center - Friday, November 21, 2025

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