The FNMTC is a member of the CFMTC
Name: FNMTC (Fédération Nationale de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise).
Date of creation: 14 August 1996.
Form: association under the law of 1901, created in August 1996. Head office: Nice
Address: 7, rue Louis Prével - 06000 NICE
Telephone number: +33 (0)950 304 870
Chairman: Yves GIARMON
Vice-Chairmen: Régis BLIN, Christophe ENDERLIN, Marie-Pierre ESMIEU
Secretary: Pascal JANUEL
Treasurer: Jacques ESTRADE
General Assembly once a year, during the national congress.
What is the FNMTC?
The FNMTC is the central body for TCM in France. It is independent of schools, laboratories, equipment retailers, etc., in order to guarantee total impartiality with a concern for fairness and probity. Our aim is to put an end to controversy surrounding the practice and teaching of TCM, and to enable it to make a legitimate contribution to public health.
The Federation aims to
- The representation and Ethical and Deontological Regulation of the entire Profession.
- It manages the NATIONAL REGISTER, which includes the list of practitioners and the list of schools.
- It defines the training criteria (programmes and examinations) for all approved schools and manages the list of students and former students.
- It represents all the schools and professional organisations approved by the FNMTC in their dealings with national and international public authorities.
- It draws up the Charter defining the roles of the schools, professional organisations and practitioners.
- It draws up the rules of the code of ethics and professional deontology and ensures that they are respected.
- It takes all legal, administrative and socio-professional protection measures.
- It provides neutral and objective information for the general public and the health professions.
- It hunts down the charlatanism associated with the term "energetics".
- It promotes TCM research programmes and organises an annual congress, conferences, etc.
You can access the FNMTC's regular publications here.